`before & after pics of lookalike n my dinner.
these 2 nights' dinner is like damn filling until wana burst / guilty kind.
seriously need (ed) yakult for the carnivorous dinner at ikea & for that oily dinner jus now.
tsk, really not in the mood to blog.
feel so moodless.. and speechless.
till the point im waiting for hsm to load.
HSM!!!! imagine.
Come Home
[Verse 1]
Well Hello world
Hope you're listening
Forgive me if I’m young
For speaking out of turn
There’s someone I’ve been missing
And I think that they could be
The better half of me
They’re in their own place trying to make it right
But I’m tired of justifying
So I say you’ll..
Come home
Come home
Cause I’ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
And right now there's a war between the vanities
But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I’ve ever known
So come home
[Verse 2]
I get lost in the beauty
Of everything I see
The world ain’t as half as bad
As they paint it to be
If all the sons
If all the daughters
Stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now..Yeahh
Well maybe I’m just dreaming out loud
But until then
Everything I can’t be
Is everything you should be
And that’s why I need you here
Everything I can’t be
Is everything you should be
And that’s why I need you here
So hear this now
those times were damn good.

`im MRS wu shuyi to uol. great.
it finally came la.
still remember like.. 4months ago
when i told myself to cross this bridge at all cost
because it made me stop work earlier & made me feel so URGHHH.
cos it took me so much effort to get used to that job and stupid bridging made me cut it short. tsk. still rmber who i complained too. ha.
oh well, it all seem so lonnngggg agoo la. )):
anw been home for the past 2 days man.
and it felt as if time passed damnnn slowwlllyyyy laaa.
and luckily we didnt meet up in town ystd;
or else i would've passed out from the pain on orchard road.
damn irritating, because of that i couldnt study in the afternoon AT ALL la.
and my plan was actually to finish chap 4 on tue, finish chap 3 ystd and today revise.
im now still have like 1/6 of chap 4 left and am still sniffing like hell.
ok, back to work.
im looking forward to tml NOW.
18oct (sat): (<-- click)
drove to commonweath, then to school, then to timah for lunch in the day
and kena nag cos i always brake late. tsk!!!
at least my parking's ok alrdy, with the exception of my basement carpark.
came home and tried to finish up my hrm 3page essay to no avail
soooon, twas time to head down to town to meet bel first.
and much to my delight, seb came over to fetch me..YAYness.
althou i only recognised the car only because i saw the shocked face of shannon in the passenger seat & the old car plate;
because seb's driving a different car AGAIN. ooohhh wellll...
walked and walked around with the guys in town for like a few hours before bel came over from tanglin..
saw chong ning xin (whom we've never seen since 2004), ken, audrey!!
all 3 were seen at zara. the scene was pretty funny. lol.
wanted to take pic with ning xin but zara cant take pics. )):
anw the bday boy soon decided to have seafood and decided on jumbo@dempsey.
& continued their gang's tradition of the bday boy treating dinner.
had a pretty satisfying meal while having army stories constantly buzzing in our ears.
but were damn entertained by woei ginn's good story-telling skills. damnnn animated. HAHAHAH.
the next few hours were spent swinging the swing at B&J's; swinging & eating merlionster.
& after much hesitation by bel&me, decided to request the live singer to sing a bday song for our bday boy.
and luckily he agreed even thou he had alrdy sang his last song while we were queuing for our merlionster.
so, imagine us walking up to the stage there with a merlionster in my hand, chocs were alrdy rolling down la. HAHHAA.
and when we headed out to our seat, tt limjianwen isnt there!!
i was like: !! where he go!!!
and he came out laughing behind us. lol.
lucky, i tot he went to the car or wad then wont get to hear the bday song.
swing and swing and swing smore, talk and talk, bel dug up the (MY) past AS USUAL, & woei ginn was the one adding the toppings this time instead of seb.... all the way till 1plus and decided to head home.
was pretty fun squeezing with bel at the last row of the car. hahahah.

`the only pic for this post..
1910 (sun):
went into pontian to pray; twas grandpa's 100th day 'anni'-versary.
althou the actual day is actuall tml.
the morning sun was alrdy pretty high and was beating down on us at the cemetery.
to top things off, we headed baq to pontian home
to find that theres POWER OUTAGE. resulting in a very STICKY and SWEATING us in a big version of a SAUNA!!!
10 of us left at abt 3plus to go have noodles & chendol.
the noodle stall closed after us as we finished all their noodles (tually it wasnt enough, aunt wanted to da bao but no more noodles cos no power=no noodles!!)
anw, the moral of the story is i would just die if i were living there and the power's cut off for like 24hours la. DIE MAN DIEEEEEE.
ok am gg to catch the pathetic highlights of the shanghai race ystd.
espn shld repeat a few more timess!!! at night like 10plus and not like 3plus in the afternoon or 1245am!! working adults / students howta watch!!! tskkkk
no updates due to the
lifeless-ness of the owner.
birthday was, sadly, pretty normal.
althou received pretty creative presents frm both my (CLICK-->)
gf & dear cousin. (:
bel's was a photo album with all our old (really old) photos;
with the last 5 pages occupied w a 10$ note each.
nah, not gg to spend it; we agreed it shall contribute towards my
gucci fund. LOL.
flo's present (<-- CLICK) is even
cooler with
EVEN older pics of us. lol.
birthday (CLICK-->)
celebration with retards(w/o botak boy fee) was prettyyyy... cool.
i will just say
F1 saved the day.
& i'll never forget the sound of the
F1 engines zooming by at CHIJMES.
the only regret would be not seeing the actual CAR.. oh well.
but twas nice to see that lye again. but no thans for all the scandalous pics. TSK.
kbox with the gang last sun b4 the last botak boy's enlistment..
& was pretty
touched when the gang decided to hide my organiser in the kbox room.
and typical yb botched it. haha. but if he nv say anyting i oso wont notice that innocent bag at the corner of the room anw. so,
many thans to:
girls for the organiser
the guys for the kbox treat!
been rotting at home since then.
till thu. studyy buddyyy~!
haven felt so accomplished in such a longggg time!!
but friday.. felt more fun than accomplishment. LOL.
the 3 animated photobooth pics are soooo
cute so i shall use them to 'spice' up my
boring account of my
boring life:

as usual, credits are STAMPED at the botton right hand corner of each pic.
&..... F1 fuji was nice mannnnnnnnnnnnn!!
the chaotic starting caused much mayhem & it nullified the effects of hamilton's pole position. AWWW. lets hope raikkonen would win the china grand prix!!
ok, tml would be the first time i staying in sch for that 4hr gap bet poa & hrm.
yay-ness. lets hope more can be accomplished tml.
althou i tink i can only do poa cos it doesnt require reading (= concentration)
& i haven even unpacked my notes since fri.. ah.
oh. and i hate it to wake up tinking groggily that i have & am late for lessons.
OR 'wake up' / is conscious in the early morning hours & sleep back only to have some stupid dreams like someone breaking into my home/someone messaging me/ someone's tskk situation.
hate it.